The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1

There are two basic models that are used to explain astronomical observations. One is the heliocentric model which uses the sun as the reference point for all observable astronomical motion. The other is the geocentric model which uses the earth as the reference point for all observable astronomical motion.

In surrounding culture, the heliocentric model is more commonly encountered in such places as textbooks and museum displays, etc. However the geocentric model is widely used in the applied sciences such as navigation, astronomical telescopes, and surveying.

In order to prove one model or the other, an absolute reference point is required. However, science does not have a reference point known to be at absolute rest in space. This makes it impossible to prove scientifically either heliocentrism or geocentrism.

Reality. The observable universe is here for all to see. Whether looking through a telescope or looking with the naked eye everyone can see the same thing. The same evidence is available for all, at least potentially. Reality is the observable evidence. Since we are inside the universe, it is scientifically impossible to prove or disprove either model. So which model one uses (heliocentrism or geocentrism) depends on one's belief system. And we should always remember that what one believes does not establish truth. Reality is truth, and our God is a God of truth. Let us faithfully seek Him and believe His word. His word is truth (John 17:17). Then we can know the truth and the truth will make us free (John 8:32).

The Bible. It is readily seen that the Bible is geocentric. To begin with, God made the heaven and the earth. Four days later God made the sun, moon, and stars, and placed them in the firmament. The sun, moon, and stars were made for the earth. The earth was made for man and everything that was made was for his benefit. Psalm 19 gives us a picture of the circuit of the sun (Psalm 19:1-4) and also God's plan for the man he placed here on Earth. What a beautiful picture, and so clear that everyone is without excuse concerning the truth of creation and a Creator (Romans 1:25). The Biblical account of Joshua's long day (Joshua 10:13), as well has the shadow's return on the sundial of Ahaz (Isaiah 38:8), are but a few of the Biblical accounts that fit nicely with the geocentric model. Thankfully, Christians have an anchor point with which to view the universe.

The Conflict. Rod and Staff and most other textbook publishers adamantly hold to the more common and scientifically unprovable heliocentric model. Some of them try to use a sort of hybrid. But, when it comes down to reality, the Bible and the heliocentric view are not compatible. Furthermore, observational reality can be explained geocentrically as well as heliocentrically, but the prevailing belief system of surrounding culture cannot allow the geocentric model. It places "science" (men's opinions) above Divine Revelation.

Personal Testimony. I was taught the heliocentric belief as I grew up and accepted it for many years, but somehow it never seemed to fit right with the Bible. My wife had the same experience. About ten years ago I was first introduced to the geocentric view. Then it all came together. By simple faith in God's word my spirit is at rest. Now it is your turn to choose. Really, you don't have to decide, because what is, IS. But be careful about your children, they will be bombarded with the heliocentric view. Beware, the heliocentric view erodes faith in the inspired Word of God.

—Silas Martin